Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Found this new blog that I think would be great to follow! Its by an English teacher, sharing the ups and downs of the daily life of a teacher. I like this blog because there is a lot of audience/blogger interaction. This blogger gets a lot of comments on her posts.
I also found this blog about a teacher who rants about the everyday issues of being a teacher and about the issues in the news about education. This blogger also has a lot of followers who comment on her posts, which is beneficial to me because I can see her viewpoints and how others respond to it. Its useful because she talks about a lot of government issues related to education and can keep you up to date on the latest happenings.

I think both of these blogs will be helpful and interesting to follow. I can learn about real life issues and hear some funny stories and experiences that teachers have out in the real world. I think this will prepare me on my journey to becoming a teacher!

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