Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Reflection of Diigo

I would use Diigo in my teaching as a way to keep track of any kind of information, activities, or ideas I am searching for. It is a good way to keep all of these things organized. Also, I can search through other users' Diigo accounts that have tags in education and such things and follow them and the things they post!

Diigo account


Go animate Video Reflection

I really enjoyed making this video with go animate. I like it because it is easy and you can make it as detailed or as simple as you want. I think it could definitely be used in teaching. One way I would definitely use it would be like I used it for this project. It's a fun way to make an announcement of some kind or to get new information or rules across to students. When students see something animated like this, it makes them want to pay attention more and they will remember it better in the long run. It could also be used to teach lessons such as a math story problem or a way to summarize a story your class has read. Not only can the teachers use it to teach their class, but students can use it as a way to present a project to the class or teach the class a concept themselves. It is fun and easy, and I think both teachers and students would enjoy it!

Go animate video project

GoAnimate.com: No texting in class!! by ganserth

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pixton Project Reflection

I would use Pixton in the classroom as a fun way of learning. It could be a fun way to introduce new ideas or concepts through a conversation in a comic. It could also be a tool for students to use to create projects to share with their classmates. Instead of using a posterboard presentation or a powerpoint, students can teach a subject or concept to the class through a comic in a new and creative way.

Pixton Project